
25th of October 2018 7:40pm GMT+1

W V.E.R.D.I (Quasi un epitaffio)

W V.E.R.D.I. (Quasi un epitaffio) is a one-page composition that combines music, graphic design, and socio-political commentary. It was created in 2012 to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Italian unification. The composition is structured around the acronym W V.E.R.D.I., which stands for “Viva Vittorio Emanuele Re D'Italia” or “Long Live Vittorio Emanuele King of Italy”, and is based on the five operas by Giuseppe Verdi that correspond to the numbers of the letters in the Italian alphabet. The final chords of the five operas are spread among the instruments of a modern orchestra, creating a music logo that serves as an epitaph for the state of Italy. The composition also reflects the philosophical idea that separatist choices lead to incompatible dissonances, while antagonist choices seek out plausible assimilations, creating a complex and mysterious interpretation.